Iago Pericot. La conquesta de la innocència

World Premiere
Catalonia, 2018, 52′

Iago Pericot ‘The Conquest of Innocence’ is a journey through the events that marked his life (Franco’s repression, awareness of his homosexuality, his stay in London during the troubled 60s) and his works (“Rebel Delirium”, ‘Bent’, ‘MozartNu’), which were essential for modernizing the Catalan theater. It is the story of the creative process of an artist who, at 85, wants to continue talking about the world through his art. It is the portrait of his relationship with Josep, his companion for 15 years.

Dir.: Albert Folk
Writer: Albert Folk
Photography: Albert Folk, Benet Romàn
Editor: Eloi Tomàs, Albert Folk
Composer: J. S. Bach, Gustav Mahler, F. Chopin
Cast.: Iago Pericot, Hermann Bonnín, Sergi Mateu, Paco Azorín, Abel Folk, Oriol Pla, Josep Escrig, Peter Hill
Production: Oriol Cortacans, Marc Roma, Sonia Sancho

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