FICGLB at 25th Mostra

From The Barcelona International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, as a guest festival in this 25th anniversary of the Mostra de Cine Latinoamericano de Catalunya, taking place at Lleida city, we have selected some films that reflect the concerns of young filmmakers, emphasizing women filmmakers. They all have an outstanding role in the four scheduled films, whether as a director, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker or actress, in short film, documentary or fiction film. They deal with LGB themes (Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual) in Argentine and Spanish productions, going from respect for identity and older people’s feelings (Lo que no se ve, short film awarded by the audience in the FICGLB 2018) to the emotional relationship in spite of the age difference (Román), through the discovery of love in prison (Cárceles bolleras) and the release of family tensioness at a dinner with lots of humour (Boutade). Xavier-Daniel (director and programmer of the FICGLB, in his 25th anniversary as founder in Barcelona of the first film festival of the Spanish State specialized in LGTIB themes).

SCREENINGS ESPAI FUNATIC, LLEIDA. c/ Pi i Margall, 26. Telf: 973 300 027

BOUTADE. Saturday 8th June at 10:30h / Tuesday 11 June at 21:00h

Christmas Eve might become an ideal set to solve all the problems that have come up along the year with your loved ones. For this reason, Juan and Luis will invite Tere and Ana in order to release the tenseness created in the past.

Dirección: Dany Ruz
Producción: Dany Ruz, Mayte Martínez
Guión: Juan Carlos Rubio
Fotografía: Juan Manuel de la Cruz
Música: Jesús Calderón
Edición: Dany Ruz
Intérpretes.: Juan Carlos Villanueva, Montse Torrent, María José Martínez, Alberto de los Ríos
España, 2018 Duración: 13′

ROMÁN. Saturday 8th June at 10:30h / Tuesday 11 June at 21:00h

The unexpected sexual awakening and hiding an unavoidable desire are the main Roman’s awareness. This is a story about self-discovery in which a quiet real estate agent is feeling attracted to another man, twenty years younger than him.

Dirección y guión: Majo Staffolani
Producción: Vanessa Ragone (Guanyadora d’un Oscar amb “El secreto de sus ojos”
Fotografía: Mariana Bomba
Música: Flor Bobadilla Oliva
Edición: Majo Staffolani – Luca Castello
Intérpretes: Carlo Argento, Gastón Cocchiarale, Gabriela Izcovich
Argentina, 2018 Duración: 61’
Seleccionado por el BAFICI (Festival de Cine, Buenos Aires)

LO QUE NO SE VE. Saturday 8th June at 12:45h / Monday 10th June at 21:45h

Premio del Público al mejor cortometraje, FICGLB 2018
Premio del Público CineVersátil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lorenza is about to be 80 and has just become a widow. She decides to return to her youth home, but her daughter does not agree. However her granddaughters, Sofia and Alba, decide to go with her. It’s a minimal story as simple as necessary.

Dirección: Lamberto Guerra
Producción: Lamberto Guerra
Guión: Lamberto Guerra
Fotografía: Vasni Ramos
Música: Jonay Armas
Edición: Vasni Ramos, Lamberto Guerra
Intérpretes: Lorenza Machín, Sofía Privitera, Alba Tonini, Tara Machín, Paloma Albaladejo
España, 2017
Duración: 5’

CÁRCELES BOLLERAS. Saturday 8th June at 12:45h / Monday 10th June at 21:45h

Andrea travelled as a drug mule from Argentina, but she was taken directly from Barcelona airport to prison. Katia was imprisioned for two years at Martutene correctional facility in the Basque Country. Marta Dillon, journalist and feminist, visited over several years the female prisoners at the Ezeiza prison in Buenos Aires and she wrote their experiences in the book “Captive Hearts“.
These stories, along with those of some other former prisoners and researchers, are part of the documentary “Cárceles Bolleras” (Dyke Jails) where those women’s reality behind the bars and how gender inequality affects their lives are depicted. Under these circumstances, lesbian desire becomes a form of resistance to the penitentiary institution.

English Title: Dyke Jails
Dirección: Cecilia Montagut
Producción: Cecilia Montagut & Raquel Osborne
Guión: Cecilia Montagut
Fotografía: Cecilia Montagut
Edición: Cecilia Montagut
Intérpretes: Andrea Noemí Vera, Dolores Juliano, Concha Yagüe, Mar Sánchez, Katia Reimberg, Marta Dillon, Estibaliz de Miguel, Ana María Bruña, Inés Herrero, María Ruíz Torrado, Raquel Osborne, Pedro Montagut, Roser Rius Camps, David Urra, Silvia Reyes, María Jesús Lastra, Lucas Platero.
España/Argentina, 2018
Duración: 66′

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