FICGLB at 36th Girona Film Festival

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When Emerging Talent is valuable

A festival as well established as the GironaFilmFest, in its 36th edition, continues to promote the so-called “emerging talent”. As the Festival director, Lluís Valentí, points out: “The Girona Film Festival promotes the talent of filmmakers and their artistic creation, with a noble content of human values ​​and deep thought (…) Since 1989, we have been a film festival dedicated to talent from all over the world, without limitations of any kind, neither of genre, style, theme, duration, format… the talent cannot be limited.”

And for all this, it also hosts the FICGLB Award (Barcelona International LGTIBQ+ Film Festival) with a Jury made up of members of the associations that form part of the Municipal Council of the Girona City Council. This year, the participation of the GLG (Girona Lesbian Group), LGTBI Families, FAGC (Gay Liberation Front of Catalonia), LGTBI Space and the Girona Trans Association should be highlighted. The president of this Jury has been the film and theatre actress and casting director Mercè Espelleta. In other years, the Jury has been chaired by Judith Colell, president of the Catalan Film Academy, the writer Esther Fabrellas or Rosa Maria Vilaseca, president of the GLG.

The film CAPITANES by Kevin Castellano and Edu Hirschfeld (Spain 2024) has received the FICGLB Award for the denunciation it shows in a political, social and sexist context in which we live with the extreme right and the message for the world of football that it threatens the masses.

The Special Mention has been awarded to the film INTERCAMBIO by Amaia Yoldi (Spain 2024) for the reality that it unfortunately exposes of the past, present and future of the trans world and its work environment.

Both short films, which highlight the power of vindication that some talented young filmmakers express in just a few minutes. Xavier-Daniel, member of FIPRESCI and ACCEC.


Mercè Espelleta
Actriu i directora de càsting

Associacions del Consell Municipal LGTB. Ajuntament de Girona

Rosa Maria Vilaseca
GLG, Grup de Lesbianes de Girona

Sol Baiocco

Vanessa Apablaza Contrera
Associació Trans de Girona

Martí Puig

Programa FICGLB
Cinema i Diversitat

Girona, 9 de novembre, 2024

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The FICGLB goes to Cuba

The FICGLB is the only Film Festival which has been invited by the Director of the Cuban National Film Library, Mr. Luciano Castillo, in order to create a programme based on either awarded and well-known current films selected during the annual editions by its director, filmmaker and Catalan film critic Xavier-Daniel.

In this way, an initiative that took place 24 years ago in Spain is consolidated, when he founded and directed in Barcelona the first LGTIB Film Festival, then the audience was able to watch, for the first time, films that were not screened in our country commercial cinemas.

Xavier-Daniel will repeat this deed in a country where the public has not the chance to see these films, and it will be possible now because the transition has begun in Cuba. He’s facing the challenge of being a pioneer by programming quality and innovative films, in fact he has been celebrating all these film festivals as a director for twenty-four years.

The prestige of the National Film Library in Cuba has taken it into consideration and has appraised that the continuity of this schedule will make the Cuban audience enjoy this event addressed to those who are looking forward to their concerns accomplished.

We would like to underline too the great success of the LGTIB-themed film sessions programmed at the Havana Film Festival. Since just a few films are screened, the cinema entrance is very crowded, mainly because after the Festival these films will no longer be seen, and this is an exception which only takes place during the annual Festival of New Latin American Cinema.

The FICGLB in Cuba will mean an unprecedented event, either socially and cultural, as it happenned in Spain during the last years under Franco’s regime. By then, Xavier-Daniel was programming already, in France, some LGTIB-themed films which were banned in Spain by the pro-Franco censorship. On those days, the Spanish cinema-goers would cross the France border just for attending the Art and Essay Movie sessions, therefore those famous week-ends became a real sociological phenomenon. Actually it was a great success.

We deeply acknowledge the professional career of our Director for being so brave on those hard times when the rights for LGTIB and freedom were repressed.

We wish him a great and well deserved success in this new stage.

Film Festival Board

FICGLB at 10th Queer IFFPlaya Mexico

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10th Queer International Film Festival Playa del Carmen, Mexico

The members of the Jury of this 10th edition have decided to give the following awards:

Special Award by Performance:
Luis Tosar by Cemento y Acero.

Best Actor Award of Foreign Cast:
Daniel Guzmán by Cemento y Acero.

The short film CEMENTO Y ACERO directed by Oriol Villar (Spain) was selected by the associated film festival FICGLB and programmed at QIFFPlaya.

Closing Night of the Festival: November 22nd 2023
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

FICGLB at XXXV Girona Film Festival

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Cinema i Diversitat

FICGLB – Cinema and Diversity
3rd edition of the Award


Girona, November 10th, 2023. The members of the Jury have decided, by unanimity, at 35 Girona Film Festival, to give this FICGLB Award, to the short film:

ADJUSTMENT by Mehrdad Hassani (Iran 2022)
For the message and empathy that the teacher shows with the situation of the child who is being bullied and society refuses him.

And a Special Mention, by unanimity, to:

RAJA BHAU by Sridhar Rangayan (India 2022)
For the astonishing reaction of the family who has breaking the prejudices of the Hindu culture through a transgender people.

Esther Fabrellas, doctor in Romanic Philology and writer. University of Girona.
Cornelia Gheorghiu, designer and actress.
Belén Cuadros, writer and Director of Communication.

Creator and Coordinator of this Award:
Filmmaker and Programmer of Cinema and Diversity at GFF
Founder and Director of FICGLB


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FICGLB, Festival Internacional de Cinema Gai i Lèsbic de Barcelona participa en los Encuentros de Cine LGTIB Iberoamericanos, durante la celebración del Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián.
FICGLB ofrece una programación que da prioridad a films iberoamericanos, y también cumple su objetivo de divulgar films de temáticas LGTIBQA+ en otros países de América Latina, labor que realiza estando hermanado con los siguientes festivales:
AMOR es AMOR, que se celebra anualmente en Córdoba, Argentina. Films argentinos premiados en este Festival, son exhibidos en España, y films españoles programados por FICGLB son proyectados en el Festival argentino.
International Queer Film Festival Playa, que tiene lugar cada año en Playa del Carmen, México. Films mexicanos premiados en este Festival, son exhibidos en España y films españoles programados por FICGLB son proyectados en el Festival mexicano.
Este intercambio cultural cinematográfico se produce debido al interés de su fundador, Xavier-Daniel, director de cine, miembro de la FIPRESCI, Federación Internacional de la Prensa Cinematográfica, y director de festivales de cine. Ha fundado y dirigido el primer certamen cinematográfico especializado en temáticas LGTIBQA+ del Estado español, la Mostra Lambda (Barcelona, 1995). En el año 2001 funda y dirige el FICGLB. Desde aquí programa una sección especializada en temáticas LGTIBQA+ dentro del marco del Girona Film Festival; este certamen acoge su sección titulada FICGLB-Cine y Diversidad. Miembro del Jurado internacional en diversos festivales: OutFest-West Hollywood, La Habana, Guadalajara, CineLatino-Toulouse, Berlinale, Cracovia, Torino, San Sebastián, Sitges…

FICGLB at XI Mostremp

11 Mostremp.
FEMINISMS and LGTIBQ+, section programmed by FICGLB
14th August 2022


This is the Section that programs the FICGLB, International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival of Barcelona, ​​at the Girona Film Festival and now, invited to Mostremp. The Section has short films on LGTIBQ+ themes from various countries.

And what is the objective of a section called CINEMA and DIVERSITY programmed by the FICGLB? Therefore, to collect the concerns of filmmakers about problems that generate current issues, through social demands and/or exposure of legislative factors from other countries, which affect the LGTIBQ+ community.

For this reason and in order to spread quality and to claim, we offer you a program of current titles, short films that have won awards at various festivals.

With the participation of Xavier-Daniel, Director and Programmer of “FICGLB-Cinema and Diversity” of the GFF. Founder and Director of the first LGTIB film festival in Spain.

Session 1. Sunday, 14th August. La Lira Theatre. Tremp 6:00pm
ESTIMADA SEÑORA DIRECTORA by Michèle Massé (Spain, 2019, 3′)
VICTORIA by Daniel Toledo Saura (Spain, 2019, 8′)
ACUITZERAMO by Miguel Angel Caballero (Mexico / USA, 2019, 15′)
FERNANDEZ PRATSCH by Emiliano Spampinato (Spain, 2020, 29′)
LO QUE NO SE VE de Lamberto Guerra ( Spain, 2017, 5′)

FICGLB at XXXIII Girona Film Festival

33rd Girona Film Festival.
CINEMA and DIVERSITY, section programmed by FICGLB
9 -13 November 2021


This is the section that schedules the FICGLB, The Barcelona International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, in the 33rd edition of the Girona Film Festival. The section includes features, short films and documentaries of LGTIB (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Intersex and Bisexual) themes, from several countries.
What is the objective of a section called CINEMA and DIVERSITY programmed by the FICGLB? The aim is to collect the filmmakers’ concerns regarding problems that generate current themes, through social demand and/or exposure of legislative factors from other countries, which affect the LGTIB community. For this reason, and to promote quality and at the same time vindicative movies, I have created the Girona LGTIBQ+ Cinema Award, which will be given for the first time to the best film in this section at the Girona Film Festival.

The complaint is about the discrimination suffered by a marriage of women who are not allowed to share a room in an old people’s home. The topic of debate is open with DEAR WOMAN DIRECTOR, because when the main characters have already lived the repression of Franco dictatorship, now, in the 21st century, they have to face a lesbophobic attitude in their old age. The functional diversity of a young man in HANDS AND WINGS becomes poetry when he derives sexual pleasure through mind from his friend. When love has a price, in this CASH LOVE the feeling expectations vanish. In VICTORIA a father assumes his responsibilities. Now as a mother and, without prejudice, with her daughter. ACUITZERAMO shows us how a father’s death can be the moment to relive -by his son, feelings never exposed throughout the years-. Surprise and humour are brought to us in YOUR LUCKY DAY by a harassment situation either comical and free from prejudices. THE LONELY PRINCE deals a loneliness despite power, with a staging of great aesthetic beauty, and UNCOLOURED GIRL exposes the change that work and feelings may provoke on a young girl student.
In TRANSITION AND HAPPINESS the profound exaltation of female transsexual diversity offered through Rosa Maria, is admirable. A fighter in a heteronormative system of genital assignments, mother-ex-father of two daughters who still call her “daddy”. In FERNANDEZ PRATSCH, Serafin, through his vindictive attitude and contagious humanity, throws a message of hope to new generations that have not experienced affective repression. And in the documentary TRANS* FAMILIES- IDENTITY CONSTRUCTIONS the vision cannot be broader, since it gives voice to minor children and relatives, with a message of sincerity and very clear and defining concepts.
Two films awarded at the AMOR es AMOR Festival in Córdoba (Argentina): FEELING GOOD, where heartbreak and confusion can cause hysteria in a couple on the brink of separation. And the true exercise of sensibility in the judicial case of a murdered trans woman, which is CUERPO TRANS (VERSADO).

Director and Programmer of FICGLB-Cinema and Diversity. Founder of the FICGLB

FICGLB – Cinema and Diversity
Girona-LGTIBQ+ Cinema Award


Chairwoman: Rosa Maria Vilaseca Marcó, GLG Grup de Lesbianes de Girona
J.Pau Galvez Lot, FAGC
Laia Cruañas Mateu, Girona Orgullosa
Anna Lara Rial, ACAS
Salva Romero García, FLG Famílies LGTBI

Girona. From 9 to 13 November, 2021

Session 1. Friday, 12 November. Cinemes Albeniz 4:00pm
HANDS AND WINGS by Sungbin Byun (South Korea, 2019, 17′)
THE LONELY PRINCE by Shivin and Sunny (India 2020, 15′)

Session 2. Friday, 12 November. Cinemes Albeniz 5:00pm.
FERNANDEZ PRATSCH by Emiliano Spampinato (Spain, 2020, 29′) Audience Award at Madrid and BerlinRevolution Film Festivals (2021)
TRANSITION AND HAPPINESS by Jonas Benarroch (Spain, 2020, 78′)

With the participation of Serafín Fernández, Michael Pratsch and Rosa Maria Maristany

Session 3. Friday, 12 November. Cinemes Albeniz 7:00pm
Awarded films at the AMOR es AMOR Film Festival (Córdoba, Argentina)
Best National Fiction: FEELING GOOD by Danisa Munguía (Argentina, 2021, 18′)
Best Argentinian Documentary: CUERPO TRANS (VERSADO) by Salomé Lozano (Argentina, 2021, 16′)
TU DÍA DE SUERTE by Fele Martínez (Spain, 2019, 10’)
ACUITZERAMO by Miguel Angel Caballero (Mexico / USA, 2019, 15′)
UNCOLOURED GIRL by Charlie García Villalba (Catalonia, 2019, 15′)
AMOR AL CONTADO by Iñigo Izquierdo (Euskadi, 2019, 8′)
VICTORIA by Daniel Toledo Saura (Spain, 2019, 8′)

Session 4. Friday, 12 November. Cinemes Albeniz 9:00pm
ESTIMADA SEÑORA DIRECTORA by Michèle Massé (Spain, 2019, 3′)

There will be a debate, after the screening, with the participation of the filmmaker Mar C. LLop, and Xavier-Daniel, filmmaker and Programming Director)

FICGLB at XXXII Girona Film Festival

32nd Girona Film Festival.
CINEMA and DIVERSITY, section programmed by FICGLB
3rd -7th November 2020


This is the section that schedules the FICGLB, The Barcelona International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, in the 32nd edition of the Girona Film Festival. The section includes features, short films and documentaries of LGTIB (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Intersex and Bisexual) themes, from several countries.
What is the objective of a section called CINEMA and DIVERSITY programmed by the FICGLB? The aim is to collect the filmmakers’ concerns regarding problems that generate current themes, through social demand and/or exposure of legislative factors from other countries, which affect the LGTIBQ + community.

Director and Programmer of Cinema and Diversity
Founder of the FICGLB


Session 1:
Thursday, November 5th. Albeniz Cinemas. 9:00 pm
Short films from several countries about LGTIB subjects:

Session 2:
Friday, November 6th. Albeniz Cinemas, 9:00 pm:
World Premiere:

There will be a debate, after the screening, with the participation of the filmmaker Mar C. LLop, Xavier-Daniel (Director and Programmer), Jordi Mota (LGTBI Municipal Council), Rosa M. Vilaseca (Group of Lesbians in Girona) and representatives of the Espai LGTBI in Girona.


The FICGLB, Guest Festival at the 38th edition of the Molins de Rei Horror Film Festival, has scheduled for this occasion a session of 8 short films.

From the mysterious confrontation between penises (Docking), when the return to a relationship comes from the zombie world (Matt & Dan: Zombi Ex), the psychological and emotional terror to face the sexual preferences of an adult (Heiko), the penance of Millennials and their cruelty (Penance), the constant fear of being discovered the homosexuality in the life of a xenophobic politician (We’re Not Here), the terror to the sincerity of a soccer player (Nobody wants your truth), the thriller with humor or how you can live the panic created by the harassment in a situation of anguish and locked in an elevator (Your lucky day), until a disturbing lesbian fetishism (Xiao Xian).

22:15H - 10TH NOVEMBRER 2019

1.- DOCKING .Trevor Anderson (Canada, 2019, 4’)
2.- MATT & DAN: ZOMBIE EX .Will Gordh (USA, 2019, 6’)
3.- HEIKO .David Bonneville (Portugal, 2008, 13’)
4.- PENANCE .Kayden Phoenix (USA, 2018, 3’)
5.- WE’RE NOT HERE .Bonnie Moir (Australia, USA, 2019, 11’)
6.- NADIE QUIERE TU VERDAD .Diego Roma (Spain, 2019, 7’)
7.- XIAO XIAN .Jiajie Yu Yan (Spain, 2019, 17’)
8.- TU DÍA DE SUERTE .Fele Martínez (Spain, 2019, 10’)

La Peni
Pl. Mercè Rodoreda, 1
08750 Molins de Rei
936 53 93 53


FICGLB in Havana




With A un Dios desconocido (1977), one of the most personal and recognized films of the Spanish director Jaime Chávarri, begins, from Tuesday 9th to Sunday16th April, the cycle “La sexualidad sin límites”, based on films that deal with diversity sexual in their plots, most of them premieres in Cuba (…) In order to enrich the variety of topics of the cycle, in my opinion brief and comprehensive,– coordinated with the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival of Barcelona— a short film will be screened after each feature: the documentary Santero Carlos (Xavier-Daniel, Spain / Cuba, 2002) and the shorts fiction Ya te vale (Martín Crespo, Spain, 2009), Princesa de Hielo (Pablo Guerrero, Spain, 2016) and Turistas (Marcos de Miguel and Isabel Coll, Spain, 2008).These films are productions focused -beyond the question of sexual diversity – in “diverse” but universal issues such as religion, double morality, cultural differences and homosexuality in adolescence, and even at a phase as delicate and decisive as childhood.
Dayron Miranda

FROM 9th TO 14th APRIL 2019

Schedule page 5

FICGLB at XXXI Girona Film Festival

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, which took place in New York in the year 1969, and marked the beginning of the liberation by the LGTIB Rights.

From the annual FICGLB section, at GIRONA FILM FESTIVAL has selected films that reflect the concerns of young people, taking into account the work of the woman filmmaker, who has an outstanding role in the films already scheduled. Either as director, screenwriter, documentalist or actress in short film, documentary or fiction film. They are subject to LGTIB (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Intersexual, and Bisexual). From respect for identity and feelings in old age (Lo que no se ve, short film awarded by the audience at FICGLB 2018) to the relationship with age difference (Román), going through the discovery of love in prison (Dyke Jails), harassment at school (Inside Out), the girl who does not identify herself with her gender identity (Erick), and the origin of transsexual liberation in Catalonia (600 meters of freedom).

Xavier-Daniel (director and programmer of the FICGLB. Founder in Catalonia, 25 years ago, of the First Film Festival in Spain specialized in LGTIB subjects).

SCREENING 28th SEPTEMBER at 04:00 pm
CASA CULTURA GIRONA, Plaça de l'Hospital, 6, 17002 Girona

Demanding parents A demanding school. An education designed for winners. Damien endures bullying as most, in silence.

European Premiere.

Dir.:Teresa Martino
Screenplay:Alejandro Campos
Photo.:Paolo Columbro
Edition:Teresa Martino
Music:Marcos Rodríguez
Cast.:Zarén Gorosito, Verónica Koziura, Brandon Cosma, Daniela Martino, Edgardo Sánchez Rossi, Soledad Perchante, Salvador Moreyra, Delfina Alvarez, Emerson Speratti, Gonzalo Ibarguren, Santiago Kalinosky
Production:Teresa Martino
13 mins.


A wealthy teenage girl watches a movie about body image. She feels identified with the character and reflects on her own body and identity, but she has to face the harsh reality in her household.

European Premiere.

Dir.:Boris Guzmán
Screenplay:Frances López, Boris Guzmán
Photo.:Gerardo Gómez
Edition:Yaritza Alicea
Cast.:Carolyn Berrios, Ariel Orama, Keyla Mariano
Production:Juan Matos
Country:Puerto Rico
6 mins.


The Ramblas in Barcelona have been the reason for the transsexual liberation of the main characters of this documentary.

Dir.: Fab Llanos
Production: Mercè Meroño i Tomás Balbas. Fundació Àmbit Prevenció
10 mins.


The unexpected sexual awakening and hiding an unavoidable desire are the main Roman’s awareness. This is a story about self-discovery in which a quiet real estate agent is feeling attracted to another man, twenty years younger than him.

Dir:Majo Staffolani
Production:Vanessa Ragone (Guanyadora d’un Oscar amb “El secreto de sus ojos”
Screenplay:Majo Staffolani
Photo.:Mariana Bomba
Music:Flor Bobadilla Oliva
Edition:Majo Staffolani – Luca Castello
Cast.:Carlo Argento, Gastón Cocchiarale, Gabriela Izcovich
61 mins.
Selected by BAFICI (Buenos Aires Film Festival)

SCREENING 28th SEPTEMBER at 05:30 pm
CASA CULTURA GIRONA, Plaça de l'Hospital, 6, 17002 Girona

Audience Award Best Short Film, Premi Curt-LGTIB, FICGLB 2018
CineVersátil ,Audience Award, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dir.:Lamberto Guerra
Prod.:Lamberto Guerra
Writer:Lamberto Guerra
Photography:Vasni Ramos
Composer:Jonay Armas
Editor:Vasni Ramos, Lamberto Guerra
Cast:Lorenza Machín, Sofía Privitera, Alba Tonini, Tara Machín, Paloma Albaladejo
Spain, 2017, 5’

Lorenza is about to be 80 and has just become a widow. She decides to return to her youth home, but her daughter does not agree. However her granddaughters, Sofia and Alba, decide to go with her. It’s a minimal story as simple as necessary.


English Title: Dyke Jails
Dir.:Cecilia Montagut
Prod.:Cecilia Montagut & Raquel Osborne
Writer:Cecilia Montagut
Photography:Cecilia Montagut
Editor:Cecilia Montagut
Cast: Andrea Noemí Vera, Dolores Juliano, Concha Yagüe, Mar Sánchez, Katia Reimberg, Marta Dillon, Estibaliz de Miguel, Ana María Bruña, Inés Herrero, María Ruíz Torrado, Raquel Osborne, Pedro Montagut, Roser Rius Camps, David Urra, Silvia Reyes, María Jesús Lastra, Lucas Platero.
Spain-Argentina, 2018 66′

Andrea travelled as a drug mule from Argentina, but she was taken directly from Barcelona airport to prison. Katia was imprisioned for two years at Martutene correctional facility in the Basque Country. Marta Dillon, journalist and feminist, visited over several years the female prisoners at the Ezeiza prison in Buenos Aires and she wrote their experiences in the book “Captive Hearts“.
These stories, along with those of some other former prisoners and researchers, are part of the documentary “Cárceles Bolleras” (Dyke Jails) where those women’s reality behind the bars and how gender inequality affects their lives are depicted. Under these circumstances , lesbian desire becomes a form of resistance to the penitentiary institution.

28-J PRIDE DAY at Filmoteca

The LGTIB International Pride Day is commemorated on June 28th, the day that, in 1969, took place the revolt of Stonewall in New York City, which encouraged the beginning of homosexual liberation.

SCREENING 28th June at 07:30 pm

FILMOTECA DE CATALUNYA, Plaça Salvador Seguí, 1-9


Demanding parents A demanding school. An education designed for winners. Damien endures bullying as most, in silence.

European Premiere.

Dir.:Teresa Martino
Screenplay:Alejandro Campos
Photo.:Paolo Columbro
Edition:Teresa Martino
Music:Marcos Rodríguez
Cast.:Zarén Gorosito, Verónica Koziura, Brandon Cosma, Daniela Martino, Edgardo Sánchez Rossi, Soledad Perchante, Salvador Moreyra, Delfina Alvarez, Emerson Speratti, Gonzalo Ibarguren, Santiago Kalinosky
Production:Teresa Martino
13 mins.


A wealthy teenage girl watches a movie about body image. She feels identified with the character and reflects on her own body and identity, but she has to face the harsh reality in her household.

European Premiere.

Dir.:Boris Guzmán
Screenplay:Frances López, Boris Guzmán
Photo.:Gerardo Gómez
Edition:Yaritza Alicea
Cast.:Carolyn Berrios, Ariel Orama, Keyla Mariano
Production:Juan Matos
Country:Puerto Rico
6 mins.


The Ramblas in Barcelona have been the reason for the transsexual liberation of the main characters of this documentary.

Dir.: Fab Llanos
Production: Mercè Meroño i Tomás Balbas. Fundació Àmbit Prevenció
10 mins.


The unexpected sexual awakening and hiding an unavoidable desire are the main Roman’s awareness. This is a story about self-discovery in which a quiet real estate agent is feeling attracted to another man, twenty years younger than him.

Dir:Majo Staffolani
Production:Vanessa Ragone (Guanyadora d’un Oscar amb “El secreto de sus ojos”
Screenplay:Majo Staffolani
Photo.:Mariana Bomba
Music:Flor Bobadilla Oliva
Edition:Majo Staffolani – Luca Castello
Cast.:Carlo Argento, Gastón Cocchiarale, Gabriela Izcovich
61 mins.
Selected by BAFICI (Buenos Aires Film Festival)

After the screenings, a debate will take place with Rosa M. Maristany (chairwoman of Trans* Baix Power Association), Fab Llanos (filmmaker), Xavier-Daniel (founder and director of The Barcelona International LGTIB Film Festival) Carla and Penélope (activist transsexual women).

Organized by: FICGLB, LGTIB cultural association with the participation of Trans* Baix Power and Fundació Àmbit Prevenció at Raval District in Barcelona.

FICGLB at 25th Mostra

From The Barcelona International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, as a guest festival in this 25th anniversary of the Mostra de Cine Latinoamericano de Catalunya, taking place at Lleida city, we have selected some films that reflect the concerns of young filmmakers, emphasizing women filmmakers. They all have an outstanding role in the four scheduled films, whether as a director, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker or actress, in short film, documentary or fiction film. They deal with LGB themes (Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual) in Argentine and Spanish productions, going from respect for identity and older people’s feelings (Lo que no se ve, short film awarded by the audience in the FICGLB 2018) to the emotional relationship in spite of the age difference (Román), through the discovery of love in prison (Cárceles bolleras) and the release of family tensioness at a dinner with lots of humour (Boutade). Xavier-Daniel (director and programmer of the FICGLB, in his 25th anniversary as founder in Barcelona of the first film festival of the Spanish State specialized in LGTIB themes).

SCREENINGS ESPAI FUNATIC, LLEIDA. c/ Pi i Margall, 26. Telf: 973 300 027

BOUTADE. Saturday 8th June at 10:30h / Tuesday 11 June at 21:00h

Christmas Eve might become an ideal set to solve all the problems that have come up along the year with your loved ones. For this reason, Juan and Luis will invite Tere and Ana in order to release the tenseness created in the past.

Dirección: Dany Ruz
Producción: Dany Ruz, Mayte Martínez
Guión: Juan Carlos Rubio
Fotografía: Juan Manuel de la Cruz
Música: Jesús Calderón
Edición: Dany Ruz
Intérpretes.: Juan Carlos Villanueva, Montse Torrent, María José Martínez, Alberto de los Ríos
España, 2018 Duración: 13′

ROMÁN. Saturday 8th June at 10:30h / Tuesday 11 June at 21:00h

The unexpected sexual awakening and hiding an unavoidable desire are the main Roman’s awareness. This is a story about self-discovery in which a quiet real estate agent is feeling attracted to another man, twenty years younger than him.

Dirección y guión: Majo Staffolani
Producción: Vanessa Ragone (Guanyadora d’un Oscar amb “El secreto de sus ojos”
Fotografía: Mariana Bomba
Música: Flor Bobadilla Oliva
Edición: Majo Staffolani – Luca Castello
Intérpretes: Carlo Argento, Gastón Cocchiarale, Gabriela Izcovich
Argentina, 2018 Duración: 61’
Seleccionado por el BAFICI (Festival de Cine, Buenos Aires)

LO QUE NO SE VE. Saturday 8th June at 12:45h / Monday 10th June at 21:45h

Premio del Público al mejor cortometraje, FICGLB 2018
Premio del Público CineVersátil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lorenza is about to be 80 and has just become a widow. She decides to return to her youth home, but her daughter does not agree. However her granddaughters, Sofia and Alba, decide to go with her. It’s a minimal story as simple as necessary.

Dirección: Lamberto Guerra
Producción: Lamberto Guerra
Guión: Lamberto Guerra
Fotografía: Vasni Ramos
Música: Jonay Armas
Edición: Vasni Ramos, Lamberto Guerra
Intérpretes: Lorenza Machín, Sofía Privitera, Alba Tonini, Tara Machín, Paloma Albaladejo
España, 2017
Duración: 5’

CÁRCELES BOLLERAS. Saturday 8th June at 12:45h / Monday 10th June at 21:45h

Andrea travelled as a drug mule from Argentina, but she was taken directly from Barcelona airport to prison. Katia was imprisioned for two years at Martutene correctional facility in the Basque Country. Marta Dillon, journalist and feminist, visited over several years the female prisoners at the Ezeiza prison in Buenos Aires and she wrote their experiences in the book “Captive Hearts“.
These stories, along with those of some other former prisoners and researchers, are part of the documentary “Cárceles Bolleras” (Dyke Jails) where those women’s reality behind the bars and how gender inequality affects their lives are depicted. Under these circumstances, lesbian desire becomes a form of resistance to the penitentiary institution.

English Title: Dyke Jails
Dirección: Cecilia Montagut
Producción: Cecilia Montagut & Raquel Osborne
Guión: Cecilia Montagut
Fotografía: Cecilia Montagut
Edición: Cecilia Montagut
Intérpretes: Andrea Noemí Vera, Dolores Juliano, Concha Yagüe, Mar Sánchez, Katia Reimberg, Marta Dillon, Estibaliz de Miguel, Ana María Bruña, Inés Herrero, María Ruíz Torrado, Raquel Osborne, Pedro Montagut, Roser Rius Camps, David Urra, Silvia Reyes, María Jesús Lastra, Lucas Platero.
España/Argentina, 2018
Duración: 66′


Festival Director

General Coordinator

Press Officer


Supervisor translations UK


Foreign Consultants
MORITZ DE HALDELN (Süissa), president

Design and development catalog and website

Opening and Closing events
ARTMAGNETIC, producció

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