Scar Tissue

Spanish Premiere
Netherlands, 2017, 15′

As the Syrian civil war rages, Sami (Noah Valentyn) has fled Damascus and now lives in Amsterdam. He hopes to be able to build a home here and be able to live openly as a gay man. Most of all, he hopes to escape the ghosts of the past that still haunt him. A chance encounter brings him face to face with Johan (Daan Colijn): A self-assured, direct and sensual man. Over the course of a night, some unsettling secrets are revealed that will make both men confront some harsh truths about the very different worlds they come from.

Dir.: Nish Gera
Writer: Nish Gera
Photography: Robin Vogel
Editor: Robin Vogel
Composer: Lucas Mens, Haniya Aslam
Cast.: Noah Valentyn, Daan Colijn, Hassan Raad Marhon
Production: Martijn Krediet

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