-Senior – Graduate “Audiovisual Media” (Cinema Speciality)

-Teacher of Cinema at EMAV (Audiovisual Media’ School) for 30 years  in Film language, script and production, and Television Production and Direction.

-Filmmaker and producer of feature films and short films director : “Tot l`enyor de demà” docudrama about the modernist poet Joan Salvat Papasseit.

-Share Teaching in collaboration with different magazines. Door Cinema section of the magazine “Ajoblanco.”

-Founder of the production company “Paradis Films P.C.S.L” through alternative for direction of short-films and industrial productions.

-Co-founder of “Atisso” association (later: ISO): Technicians Association of Image and Sound of Catalonia.

-Collaborator as a film critic for two years in the program “NEXES” COM Radio.

-Editor and film critic of the magazine “Visual Area” Today “” and “”

-Co-filmmaker and film critic for the programme Movies and Screens, and “visual City” at Radio Old City, Barcelona’s District.

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