Spanish Premiere
Mexico, 2018, 20′

Miguel arrives to the city after the death of his younger brother Julio to find out the possible causes that led him to commit suicide. There he meets Angel, his brother’s boyfriend who reveals that Julio practiced bugchasing.

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The Blue Years (Los Años Azules)

FIPRESCI’s Award, 32 Festival de Cinema de Guadalajara (Mexico)
Spanish Premiere

Mexico, 2017, 103′

An old house in a traditional neighborhood of Guadalajara is inhabited by five people who share the expenses, dreams and a part of their lives, while observed by Schrödinger, a cat that seems to be part of the place. Through its eyes, we know the conflicts of these boys from different regions of the country and opposite cultures, who left their home in search of a life of their own, finding a dysfunctional family on the way.

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The Swan

Spanish Premiere
Mexico. USA, 2016, 22′

Sthefany Galante is a Mexican trans woman who migrated to the United States after experiencing gender discrimination in her hometown. After being away from home for six years, Sthefany is preparing for an imminent trip to Hidalgo, Mexico, to confront her parents about her gender identity.

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Linie 9

Spanish Premiere
Mexico, Germany, 2016, 16′

In a city with constant movement like the subway rides, the paths of Andre´s and Miguel are crossing. It seems like the beginning of a new Romance but Andre´s doesn’t know which direction to take, because every road leads him to something sexual.

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