This year marks the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, which took place in New York in the year 1969, and marked the beginning of the liberation by the LGTIB Rights.
From the annual FICGLB section, at GIRONA FILM FESTIVAL has selected films that reflect the concerns of young people, taking into account the work of the woman filmmaker, who has an outstanding role in the films already scheduled. Either as director, screenwriter, documentalist or actress in short film, documentary or fiction film. They are subject to LGTIB (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Intersexual, and Bisexual). From respect for identity and feelings in old age (Lo que no se ve, short film awarded by the audience at FICGLB 2018) to the relationship with age difference (Román), going through the discovery of love in prison (Dyke Jails), harassment at school (Inside Out), the girl who does not identify herself with her gender identity (Erick), and the origin of transsexual liberation in Catalonia (600 meters of freedom).
Xavier-Daniel (director and programmer of the FICGLB. Founder in Catalonia, 25 years ago, of the First Film Festival in Spain specialized in LGTIB subjects).
SCREENING 28th SEPTEMBER at 04:00 pm
CASA CULTURA GIRONA, Plaça de l'Hospital, 6, 17002 Girona

Demanding parents A demanding school. An education designed for winners. Damien endures bullying as most, in silence.
European Premiere.
Dir.:Teresa Martino
Screenplay:Alejandro Campos
Photo.:Paolo Columbro
Edition:Teresa Martino
Music:Marcos Rodríguez
Cast.:Zarén Gorosito, Verónica Koziura, Brandon Cosma, Daniela Martino, Edgardo Sánchez Rossi, Soledad Perchante, Salvador Moreyra, Delfina Alvarez, Emerson Speratti, Gonzalo Ibarguren, Santiago Kalinosky
Production:Teresa Martino
13 mins.

A wealthy teenage girl watches a movie about body image. She feels identified with the character and reflects on her own body and identity, but she has to face the harsh reality in her household.
European Premiere.
Dir.:Boris Guzmán
Screenplay:Frances López, Boris Guzmán
Photo.:Gerardo Gómez
Edition:Yaritza Alicea
Cast.:Carolyn Berrios, Ariel Orama, Keyla Mariano
Production:Juan Matos
Country:Puerto Rico
6 mins.

The Ramblas in Barcelona have been the reason for the transsexual liberation of the main characters of this documentary.
Dir.: Fab Llanos
Production: Mercè Meroño i Tomás Balbas. Fundació Àmbit Prevenció
10 mins.

The unexpected sexual awakening and hiding an unavoidable desire are the main Roman’s awareness. This is a story about self-discovery in which a quiet real estate agent is feeling attracted to another man, twenty years younger than him.
Dir:Majo Staffolani
Production:Vanessa Ragone (Guanyadora d’un Oscar amb “El secreto de sus ojos”
Screenplay:Majo Staffolani
Photo.:Mariana Bomba
Music:Flor Bobadilla Oliva
Edition:Majo Staffolani – Luca Castello
Cast.:Carlo Argento, Gastón Cocchiarale, Gabriela Izcovich
61 mins.
Selected by BAFICI (Buenos Aires Film Festival)
SCREENING 28th SEPTEMBER at 05:30 pm
CASA CULTURA GIRONA, Plaça de l'Hospital, 6, 17002 Girona

Audience Award Best Short Film, Premi Curt-LGTIB, FICGLB 2018
CineVersátil ,Audience Award, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dir.:Lamberto Guerra
Prod.:Lamberto Guerra
Writer:Lamberto Guerra
Photography:Vasni Ramos
Composer:Jonay Armas
Editor:Vasni Ramos, Lamberto Guerra
Cast:Lorenza Machín, Sofía Privitera, Alba Tonini, Tara Machín, Paloma Albaladejo
Spain, 2017, 5’
Lorenza is about to be 80 and has just become a widow. She decides to return to her youth home, but her daughter does not agree. However her granddaughters, Sofia and Alba, decide to go with her. It’s a minimal story as simple as necessary.

English Title: Dyke Jails
Dir.:Cecilia Montagut
Prod.:Cecilia Montagut & Raquel Osborne
Writer:Cecilia Montagut
Photography:Cecilia Montagut
Editor:Cecilia Montagut
Cast: Andrea Noemí Vera, Dolores Juliano, Concha Yagüe, Mar Sánchez, Katia Reimberg, Marta Dillon, Estibaliz de Miguel, Ana María Bruña, Inés Herrero, María Ruíz Torrado, Raquel Osborne, Pedro Montagut, Roser Rius Camps, David Urra, Silvia Reyes, María Jesús Lastra, Lucas Platero.
Spain-Argentina, 2018 66′
Andrea travelled as a drug mule from Argentina, but she was taken directly from Barcelona airport to prison. Katia was imprisioned for two years at Martutene correctional facility in the Basque Country. Marta Dillon, journalist and feminist, visited over several years the female prisoners at the Ezeiza prison in Buenos Aires and she wrote their experiences in the book “Captive Hearts“.
These stories, along with those of some other former prisoners and researchers, are part of the documentary “Cárceles Bolleras” (Dyke Jails) where those women’s reality behind the bars and how gender inequality affects their lives are depicted. Under these circumstances , lesbian desire becomes a form of resistance to the penitentiary institution.